Sean Bean's Bar Brawl, 'Harry Potter' Questions In Today's Twitter-Wood

Sean Bean is having one heck of a week. As if his breathtaking turn in the newest episode of "Game of Thrones" wasn't enough for the guy, Bean was also reportedly stabbed inside the arm during a bar altercation earlier within the week. But don't sob for the erstwhile Lord of Winterfell; fantastic old Ned promptly shrugged off the attack, went back inside the bar and ordered himself a pint. Bean's handling of the situation is getting lots of virtual high fives in today's edition of Twitter-Wood.

There's more news lurking about the on the internet movie space at this time, naturally: iconic newsman Larry King has put out the call for "Harry Potter" questions for an upcoming CNN special, though Judd Apatow gives an update on the status of his next movie.

I'm @roundhoward and this is Twitter-Wood for June 14, 2011.

Sean Bean Rules, Component 1: @DanaBrunetti It is finding a bit too literal now “@TheWrap: Game of Moans: Sean Bean Stabbed in London!”
-Dana Brunetti, producer ("The Social Network")

Sean Bean Rules, Part two: @BigBoyler 'I'm fine pet, quit fussin', just let me finish my pint of molten lava and then I'll head to the ER' - Sean Bean post bar brawl.
-Chris O'Dowd, actor ("Bridesmaids")

Sean Bean Rules, Portion three: @KatzMoney Hell of a week for Sean Bean. Maintain it going, 006.
-Jeff Katz, producer ("X-Men Origins: Wolverine")

"Potter" Questions: @kingsthings Harry Potter fans! My next CNN unique is going to be on the final film. What questions do you may have for Daniel, Emma & Rupert about the movies?
-Larry King, television host ("Larry King Live")

Apatow's Big Plans: @JuddApatow Two weeks till shooting begins. Holy s---. It is an exercise in control, preparation and letting go so I can let something else happen.
-Judd Apatow, director ("Knocked Up")

"Green Lantern" Speculation @ManMadeMoon So Green Lantern coming out this week, I believe... Big hit or piece of ship it to me on Netflix? Excited for it?
-Duncan Jones, director ("Moon")

And Now You Know: @jonmchu Cobras are real.
-Jon Chu, director ("G.I.
Joe 2")

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