Bloggers to Warren Buffett: Pay up!

Bloggers to Warren Buffett: Pay up!
The liberal blogosphere hailed Warren Buffett’s call for higher taxes on his fellow super-rich when conservatives on-line urged him to put his funds where his mouth is.

“Every Democrat running for federal office must pull out their sharpie and write that on their hand,” wrote mastermix at Balloon Juice of the billionaire investor’s New York Times op-ed advocating for greater tax rates for the rich.

A conservative blogger calls Buffett's op-ed for higher taxes a ruse
A conservative blogger calls Buffett's op-ed for higher taxes a ruse

For those producing a lot more than $1 million - there had been 236,883 such households in 2009 - I would raise rates right away on taxable income in excess of $1 million, such as, naturally, dividends and capital gains. And for people who make $10 million or extra - there were 8,274 in 2009 - I would suggest an further increase in rate,” Buffett wrote, saying the wealthy didn’t should be protected any longer like endangered “spotted owls.” “My friends and I've been coddled lengthy sufficient by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice.”

Left-leaning bloggers demanded President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats seek to implement such a program.

“Here is an issue the President can effortlessly make his,” wrote Big Tent Democrat at Speak Left. “He could of completed it final December naturally, but it isn't too late.”

Others on the left glumly acknowledged the likelihood of Republicans allowing such a measure to pass to be zero.

“By any reasonably metric, this would represent a fine compromise between Democrats and Republicans,” wrote Jed Lewison at Every day Kos. “But it is not going to occur unless Democrats-and I’m not just talking about President Obama, but also the Congressional Democrats who punted on taxes just before the 2010 election-stop coddling the GOP.”

Right-leaning bloggers, by now accustomed to Buffett’s periodic calls for higher taxes on the wealthy, had been not shy about suggesting ways for the Omahan to contribute to the federal treasury.

“If he is really paying taxes at that rate, it almost certainly is simply because he is availing himself of a whole lot of tax breaks and shelters that are legal under the laws of the United States,” wrote Greg at Rhymes with Appropriate. “He does not need to use them - nor does he have to take every single deduction that he is legally entitled to. That he does indicates he is paying less by selection.”

The blogger was 1 of a number of conservatives - which includes Pat Buchanan on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” - to propose that Buffett take advantage of the Treasury Department’s internet site for people who wish to create “donations to assist reduce the public debt.”

Brian O’Connor at Red Dog Report wrote that the Buffett op-ed is merely a ruse to secure an income tax boost on the middle class.

“Warren Buffett knows that he can afford a cadre of the best accountants obtainable,” he wrote. “They will make sure that he pays the lowest quantity taxes feasible no matter what the tax rates are. Everybody knows that if the tax hikes on the rich fails to solve our economic crisis, (Which they are going to not), Opening the door to a major tax hike on America’s middle class.”

And Tim Worstall at Forbes wrote that Buffett’s analysis doesn't explain his whole tax story.

“What he says, with the qualifications he utilizes, is true as far as it goes. It can be, having said that, extremely misleading, since he’s left out the impact of the corporate income tax.”Bloggers to Warren Buffett: Pay up!

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