Google To Ax Desktop, Notebook, Rapidly Flip, Aardvark And A lot more

 Google To Ax Desktop, Notebook, Rapidly Flip, Aardvark And A lot more

Google To Ax Desktop, Notebook, Rapidly Flip, Aardvark And A lot more
Google stated in July that it would gradually close its Google Labs, a collection of experimental merchandise and functions.

On Friday, Google announced the fates of 10 such goods: Desktop, Notebook, Fast Flip, Aardvark, Sidewiki, Google Maps API for Flash, Google Web Security, Google Pack, Image Labeler and Subscribed Links.

"All the Googlers working on these projects will probably be moved over to higher-impact products. As for our users, we'll communicate directly with them as we make these alterations, giving sufficient time to make the transition and enabling them to take their data with them," Google's senior VP, Alan Eustace, wrote on the Official Google Weblog.

Some of these goods will end virtually right away, giving users little time to pull their data or opt for a new service. Google stated it is going to totally ax Desktop, "including all of the connected APIs, services, plugins, gadgets and support," on September 14.

Notebook, a browser-based app for generating storing documents, apparently has a longer lease on life (possibly months, based on Google). As soon as the service is closed, Google will fold all users' information from Notebooks into Google Docs.

Quickly Flip, Google's news aggregator that featured a newspaper-like interface, will likely be shuttered "in the next couple of days," as reported by Search Engine Land. Google says that Quick Flip's notable attributes "will live on in our other display and delivery tools."

Social search service Aardvark, acquired by Google for $50 million in 2010, wrote on its own company weblog on Friday that the service will cease before October. "In the spirit of data liberation, we want to make certain that any of you Aardvark users who would like to retrieve your past data from the service can do so," writes the Aardvark blog. As with Quickly Flip, some of Aardvark's tools will be utilized to boost other Google merchandise.

For far more particulars about the rest of the items on the chopping block, pay a visit to the Google Blog.

Considering that Google debuted social network Google+ in June, the firm has announced quite a few other consolidations and plans for streamlining services. In late August, as an example, All Items D reported that Slide, a social app maker that Google acquired for $200 million in 2010, could be shut down for great. In July, Mashable reported that Google plans to rebrand the Blogger blogging platform and Picasa photo-sharing web site.
Google To Ax Desktop, Notebook, Rapidly Flip, Aardvark And A lot more

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